Support for Off-Road Sports Rocks Recreation Park would like to thank all of our sponsors who help support the Frostbite Event and our off-road park. Our partners provide many items, products, and gift certificate giveaways. They go out of their way to help ensure Frostbite is fun for all who attend. The next time you are shopping for that next upgrade, please contact a park sponsor/ partner and show them how much you appreciate their support of the off-road sport by purchasing through them. Or just call them and thank them for all they do to support Kansas Rocks and off-roading.

If your company sells outdoor and off road products and you would like to speak to us about becoming a sponsor/ partner, please contact us below, at [email protected] or call David at 913-302-5196.

Become A Sponsor

If your company sells outdoor and off road products and you would like to speak to us about becoming a sponsor/ partner, please contact us below, at [email protected] or call David at 913-302-5196.

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